Every dog displays signs of distress before biting people. If you’re going to be surrounded by dogs, you need to learn their body language so you don’t annoy them too much to the point where they have to bite you to stop you.
Here are some signs your dog displays before he bites. Here’s Part 1, in case you missed it!
1. Rigid Body
When dogs are happy, their bodies are relaxed and wiggly, but when they’re stressed out of uncomfortable, their bodies become rigid, and when this happens, know that a bite is on its way. A dog with a rigid body, with their tails raised and ears perked, are trying to tell you that they are uncomfortable and want to get out of a sticky situation before things escalate.
2. Fur Standing Up
You know how you get goosebumps when you’re in an awkward situation? Well a dog’s fur raises when they’re on the verge of biting because they’re uncomfortable. When dogs feel threatened the fur on their necks and back stand up to showcase their distress. When this happens it is a clear indication that the dog is unhappy and wants whatever that’s making them uncomfortable to stop before they bite.
3. Wide Eyes
When dogs are happy, their eyes aren’t wide enough for you to see the white parts of their eyes. When dogs widen their eyes and when you can see the whites it means that they’re uncomfortable and on the verge to bite. When dogs are threatened they will not take their wide eyes off the threat and if things get out of control, they will bite.
With the COVID-19 pandemic we face today, A Dog’s Love urges you to stay home, and stay safe.
Feature Image Source: Pixabay