8 Different Dog Breeds That Could Pass Off As Twins! (Part 2)

Thought you saw a German shepherd? Are you sure it isn’t a Belgian Malinois? We know, they look like twins, but they’re a completely different breed, altogether! Here are some more breeds that could pass off as twins! Here’s Part 1, in case you missed it!

1. Kuvasz vs. Golden Retriever

Golden retrievers are shorter than their twin breed Kuvasz and slightly less heavy, too. Golden retreivers are high-energy dogs whereas Kuvasz are medium-energy. As for coats, Kuvasz’s coat have a wooly appearance and their fur is longer than Golden Retrievers. Also, Kuvaszs’ coat is only available in white whereas a Golden retriever can be Dark golden, golden and light golden too!

2. Portuguese Water Dog vs. Standard Poodle

While both these dogs have similar coats, their builds are different. Poodles are leaner than Portuguese Water Dogs and Portuguese Water Dogs have bulkier heads than Poodles!

3. Whippet vs. Greyhound

While these two breeds look extremely similar, the Whippet has a graceful natural arch on their backs.

4. Boston Terrier vs. French Bulldog

Although these breeds are extremely similar, the French Bulldog’s ear is broader at the base, elongated and round at the top!

How many times have you confused breeds?! Let us know in the comments!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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