8 Dogs Who Overcame Their Injuries And Became Inspirations! (Part 1)

Dogs are incredible. They’re an inspiration and the best life teachers on the planet. A dog’s love is endless, relentless, unconditional and undeniable.

While all dogs are perfect in their own ways, the dogs featured in this article are truly something special. These dogs have overcome their injuries and are not letting anything get in their way of living life to the fullest. Be prepared to be inspired, people!

1. Roosevelt

This adorable dog was born with malformed front legs which made it impossible for him to run around like other dogs. His parents came up with a brilliant idea and had him try a doggie wheelchair! Guess what? It was a success! Now Roosevelt is able to run and explore just like other dogs!

2. Harper

Harper was born deformed and was unable to walk or hold her head up. Because she was born deformed, she was thrown in a trash can wrapped inside a trash bag. Fortunately, a shelter volunteer found Harper and saved her life. Although vets thought that her chances of survival were slim, her new mommy took her home anyway. The next morning, everyone was surprised to see her standing! Harper continues to make progress, is gaining strength and mobility every single day!

3. Naki’o

When Naki’o was just a puppy, he was abandoned inside the cellar of a foreclosed home in a pool of ice water. Because of the ice water, he suffered frostbite because of which all his four paws and the tip of his tail had to be amputated to save his life. A vet who fell in love with him and took him home raised enough funds to have Naki’o fitted with bionic paws! Now he’s able to walk, run and play, just like other dogs!

4. Lemon Pie

Lemon Pie’s paws were chopped off by members of a drug gang who wanted to practice torture techniques. After they were done torturing him, he was thrown in a dumpster and left to die. Fortunately, he was saved in the nick of time and taken to a shelter that rehabilitates dogs who have suffered extreme abuse. After being fitted with prosthetic limbs, Lemon Pie can now sprint, walk, run and play, just like other dogs!

Do you have inspiring dog stories? Share them with us in the comments below! Watch out for Part 2!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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