You probably already know that bringing home a dog is a huge responsibility and while you may have dog-proofed your entire house, you can never be too prepared. You have to think about all possible scenarios and ensure your dog comes out healthy in all of them.
As a dog parent, you’re already thinking about day-to-day scenarios and making sure your dog is okay, but in reality, you also need to think about emergency situations that require special attention. You need a fire-safety plan in place that covers all members of your family, and that includes your dogs too. Here are some tips to help you protect yourself and your precious dogs.
1. Doors
Never lock your dog in a room that has no other way out. Although sometimes confining your dog in a room is recommended, make sure that the room door is unlocked, so if anything happens, emergency personnel will have easier access to your dog.
2. Pet Alert
Invest in a Pet Alert sticker to let people know that there’s a pet inside who needs help if you’re not at home and something bad happens.
3. Dog Hiding Places
Does your dog hide in special places when he gets annoyed, panicked or stressed? Dogs usually hide instead of running away from a situation that threatens them. Make sure you know their hiding place so you can guide the emergency personnel there to rescue your dog.
4. Leash and Harness
Always keep a leash and a harness near an escape door because even though your dogs don’t run away, you can never be too sure. For their safety, always leash them when you’re escaping through the escape route so they don’t run into trouble.
Is there anything else we missed? Let us know in the comments. Watch out for Part 2.
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