8 Little Things That Fill A Dog Parent's Heart With Joy! (Part 1)

Here’s a secret – there are some little things that bring happiness that only dog parents can feel. I don’t know if that made sense, but not everyone feels what a dog parent feels when it comes to little joys in life!

Dog parents are truly the luckiest folks in town. The kind of joys they have, the happiness they experience, and the love they feel is immeasurable! If you don’t believe me, here are some small joys that fill a dog parent’s heart with love and happiness!

1. Waking up beside someone who’s looking forward to the day with total enthusiasm! The kind of excitement they have makes us excited for the day too! No bad days for us!


2. Seeing your tiny puppy grow up to a gentle giant who makes friends at the dog park! The way they make friends make you feel like you’ve done a great job as a parent!


3. When you’re able to leave a lame social gathering and use your dog as an excuse just so you can Netflix the night with them cuddling you, giving you pure love and warmth your soul needs.


4. When they look at you right in the eye and say a thousand words without even saying a word. They connect soul to soul.


How many of you have felt these joys? Let us know in the comments! Watch out for Part 2!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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