I personally know a family who grew old with their dog. Children grew up and left, their dog was still there. Then the dog’s parent was diagnosed with an untreatable health problem, that’s when they decided that it was time to find their beloved dog a new forever loving home so he will continue to be in good hands.
Other times it is not death, it’s maybe a medical condition that requires someone to rehome their dog, perhaps a shortage of funds… there are many valid reasons why avid dog parents decide to rehome their dogs. The decision they make literally hurts them, but they want what’s best for their dog – a new forever loving home. Here are some steps to help you find your dog a new home. Here’s Part 1, in case you missed it.
1. No Craigslist
Please don’t put your dogs up for adoption on Craigslist even if it’s the last thing on earth. If you want your dogs to be safe and adopted responsibly, avoid Craigslist because usually, some people there will promise to take good care of your dogs, but end up taking advantage of them. Spare your dog that agony.
2. Rescue Groups
If you didn’t sign a contract, the next best thing you can do it contact your local rescue and request them to help you find a new forever loving home for your dog. They will be able to guide you through the adoption process and make sure your dog finds the perfect new home.
3. DIY Publicist
When nothing works out, become your dog’s PR! Take a good photo of them and upload it on genuine websites that list down dogs up for adoption. Remember our post about taking awesome dog pictures? Take inspiration and get the word out. Your photo will set your dog apart from the pack.
4. Family & Relatives
Sometimes what happens is that the perfect home is right under your nose! Remember the dog parent who was diagnosed with an untreatable health condition? Turns out, his son’s partner was head over heels in love with their dog. So the dog didn’t need to leave the family, after all! Everyone loves a happy ending!
Feature Image Source: Pixabay