The world is for extroverts, whether we agree or not! When you see an extrovert, you might want to know what they ate for breakfast that makes them so hyper, but that’s just how extroverts are! They live their lives out loud and that’s okay!
Most people are extroverts, including world leaders, teachers, comedians, and it works for them because you like listening to them. They don’t think small talk is small talk because they’re genuinely interested to know more about you and your dog! That’s just how they are – they’re curious beings who don’t like bottling up their feelings. Here are some things only extrovert dog parents understand!
1. They love to see other dog parents walking their dogs and won’t hesitate to come over and introduce themselves! The only thing you have in common is dogs. The rest you can figure out later!
2. They don’t mind sharing amazing dog stories about their dogs even when no one asked for them. Then when they’re done, they can’t wait to hear your amazing stories about your dog… even if you adopted them just two days ago! You must have something to share, right?!
3. They will be running the show at the dog park! They won’t hesitate to bring drinks for everyone, maybe a few treats for dogs, some snacks maybe to pass time while the dogs enjoy! They love everything social!
4. They will be constantly chatting with dog store employees to know everything there is about dog treats that they’ve picked out. They would even want to know what sells and what doesn’t and what’s best for their dogs. They’re not afraid to ask questions!
How many of you are extroverts? Let us know in the comments! Shout out loud! Watch out for Part 2!
Feature Image Source: Pixabay