8 Ways Our Dogs Teach Us Body Positivity! (Part 2)

8 Ways Our Dogs Teach Us Body Positivity! (Part 2)

The media, to some extent, is to blame for showering us images of what people consider body perfection. I, on the other hand, do not fit conventional beauty standards, at any cost! Then I became a dog parent and learned how to appreciate my body, just the way it is.

But how? Check this out! Here’s Part 1, in case you missed it!

1. Everyone is perfect in their own ways!


Whether dogs are in a crowd or alone at home, if they have to fart, they just let it out. If they accidentally bump their heads, it’s okay. If they burp out loud, it’s fine. If humans did this, they’d lock themselves in their rooms until people forget about it, isn’t it? Dogs teach us that there’s nothing called perfection and that everyone is unique in their own special ways!

2. Take care of yourself


In the fast-paced world we live in today, it’s easy to forget to care for ourselves. We need pampering too, we need some alone time, we need to relax and sleep in a little. Parenting a dog has helped me understand that my health is important, especially for those I’m responsible for.

3. Don’t be ashamed to love yourself!


Be comfortable with yourself and don’t be ashamed to love yourself, just the way you are. When my dog looks at himself in the mirror he can’t take his eyes off himself! He’s taught me to look at myself in the mirror and be proud of how far I’ve come along. I’m not ashamed to love myself anymore, and neither should you be!

4. Be kind to yourself and celebrate yourself


Smile and the world will smile with you, right? If you don’t respect yourself, why will anyone else? It doesn’t matter where I am in life, the way my dog looks at me just makes everything better! Look at yourself with gentle and caring eyes, don’t pick on yourself. If you want the world to respect you, respect yourself first!

How many of you relate? Let me know in the comments!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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