Being an ideal roommate is no simple task and if you add a dog to the mix, well things get a little more challenging. But before you become a roommate, and if you have a dog, you have to ensure that you all will be able to live together peacefully.
You don’t necessarily have to find a roommate who’s crazy about dogs, but you do need to find someone who will accept your dog and their funny antics. Here are some ways you and your dog can become the ideal roommate!
1. Make sure your roommate is okay with your dog, but not obsessed with them. Someone who tolerates dogs and is kind to them also work fine.
2. Set some safety guidelines and make sure your roommate knows that your dog is your priority. For example, if your roommate has never had a dog, they’d not know to keep chocolate out of your dog’s reach.
3. Don’t expect your roommate to help you with your dog, simply because it’s your dog, not theirs. So if you’re going out of town, think of where you’ll house your dog and don’t depend on your roommate to do so.
4. Make sure you always pay for your dog’s mistakes, that goes without saying. If your dog has accidentally destroyed your roommate’s belonging, ensure you’re ready to repay the consequences. It is your responsibility to replace whatever your dog destroys.
How many of you agree? Let us know in the comments! Watch out for Part 2!
Feature Image Source: Pixabay