Our furry-faced friends certainly make sure to keep us on our toes. They get up to all kinds of mischief and their antics often have us running around frantically. Whether it is a snatched sandwich or a dismantled pillow, we find ourselves chasing them on more than one occasion.
One ten-year-old Staffordshire Bullterrier, Bonnie, found her antics getting herself into a little more trouble than she had anticipated. Mom, Louisa Davis, knows that canned tuna is a favorite for Bonnie. To treat her canine companion, Louisa gives Bonnie a can of tuna at night. One night, however, Louisa heard a strange sound coming from the kitchen. A ruffling and scuffling never heard before. Upon investigation, there was Bonnie in the trash can hunting for remnants of tuna.
Louisa ran towards her, but it was just too late. Bonnie had gotten hold of the tin and it had embedded into her tongue. Louisa soon realized this was a case for the vet and rushed Bonnie into her car. The vet tried to inspect the can to remove it and noticed it was causing discomfort to poor Bonnie.
A decision was made to put Bonnie under sedation and the can was successfully removed. It did, however, leave a cut but thankfully no stitches were needed. The story of Bonnie is a situation that no dog lover would ever want to find themselves in. We love our canine companions so dearly and it breaks our hearts to see them get hurt.
As said by Louisa, this was a true wake up call about how careful we should be when it comes to our inquisitive dogs!
Feature Image Source: PDSA
Images Source: PDSA