A Dog Parent's Tips For Keeping Your House Clean!

A Dog Parent's Tips For Keeping Your House Clean!

We as dog lovers and pet parents generally cannot resist letting our canine companions come into the house. There are those of us who let them sleep in the house, and others of us do not mind them lounging around during the day.

One thing we all have in common is the struggle to keep our houses clean with a furry four-legged friend around. It goes without saying that it would be impossible to keep the house completely spotless, but there are certain things we can do to make things a bit more manageable:

  • Encouraging good behavior: pet experts say that encouraging good behavior through positive reinforcement is more effective than constantly punishing bad behavior. By setting boundaries for our dogs in the house, and praising them for adhering to them, we can minimize the extent of where we will need to clean up after them. After a while, our canine companions will pick up on which behaviors we want them to portray and will aim for a behavioral pattern as such.
  • Control your dog’s shedding: cleaning up our dog’s hair can be one of the most frustrating tasks at hand. Their fine hair tends to find itself in every nook and cranny of our houses, including in our furniture and clothing! Cleaning hair regularly will prevent a big build-up to clean up at a later stage. Alternatively, there are certain foods that may assist with shedding, and consulting your vet for advice could help aid the problem.
  • Create zone off areas during cleaning: having our canine companions running and playing around the house while we are trying to clean, will certainly make the task nearly impossible. A pet advisor has suggested we use fencing off methods during this time. For example, getting an indoor fence. This will keep your dog one side while you finish off your cleaning effectively.

How do you manage to keep your house clean? Send us a photo of your dog messing about in the comments!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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