Add One Plastic Bottle, Mix In A Little Dachshund And The Result Is Adorable!

Add One Plastic Bottle, Mix In A Little Dachshund And The Result Is Adorable!

Daphne the dachshund loves playing with plastic bottles. She always comes running when she hears one being opened with that little hiss. Her dad knows this and gives her a new bottle every chance he gets!

Once Daphne sinks her teeth into a bottle, she really goes bonkers chewing it, batting it around, cornering it, you can tell her day is made! She is amazing too. At one point she gets it stuck underneath the cabinet and you won’t believe the speed her little front legs move at trying to get that pesky bottle out!

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Watch the video below to see Daphne playing with the plastic bottle!

Feature Image Source: Bob Celli

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