Adorable Deaf Puppy Invents A New Way Of Barking!

Adorable Deaf Puppy Invents A New Way Of Barking!

Reese is a little different from most dogs, but she would never let that stand in her way. She is a perfect example that embracing what makes you special can make your life that much better.

The sweet girl was adopted not too long ago by Samantha Ramos and her husband. The couple had one other dog, named Roxx, so they knew how to handle an animal. But from the moment they got her home, they noticed she wasn’t acting quite like they expected her to. They suspected she might be deaf, so they took her to a vet, who ended up agreeing with them.

But Samantha didn’t look at Reese any differently. She kept loving her just as much, and she was determined to help her learn how to navigate the world without being able to hear. But it seemed like Reese had already learned some tricks.

@samanthas.ramos who’s gonna tell her 🥺 #dogsofttiktok #deafdog ♬ original sound – Samantha Ramos

One day, Samantha was home, hanging out with her dogs. Roxx started barking, and, to Samantha’s surprise, Reese responded. Only she didn’t make any noise. She was just moving her mouth, mimicking the motions that she saw her sister doing. Samantha documented everything on her social media. On her TikTok account, there are many videos showcasing just how cute Reese is.

But since those videos were filmed, she managed to learn how to actually bark, with noise. But she still goes back to her silent bark from time to time. Reese is the best example that, no matter your circumstances, you can always try to learn and have fun.

Image Credit: Roxx and Reese

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