Brave Pup Rescued After Clinging To Window Sill For 20 Minutes

Brave Pup Rescued After Clinging To Window Sill For 20 Minutes

One brave dog in the Philippines fought for his life last November 25 as he clung to the edge of a window for almost 20 minutes, hanging from an apartment window, three floors high, in Tondo, Metro Manila.

The white furry pup was apparently aware of his precarious position and tenaciously held on to the sill to keep himself from being strangled by his chain. He was, later on, found to be alone in his apartment home and is believed to have been afraid or missing his own family, prompting him to jump out of the apartment window.

Lucky for him, he was chained and spared from falling three floors down to his death. In a shared video post about the said incident, two staff of the Urban Deca homes, who discovered the brave dog dangling from the window, were shown initially hoisting him up with a wooden cleaning implement but they were unsuccessful.

One of them eventually decided to scale the building wall and grab the pup, who was, afterward, received by the assisting staff at the bottom of the floor. There were several onlookers on the ground who were nervously watching the rescue operation, cheering happily as the white puppy was finally pulled to safety.

Although evidently stressed by his long wait and perilous position, the rescued dog is reported to be uninjured and is now safe, secure, and in the company of his family at home.

Feature Image Source: YouTube

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