Imagine this. You are an 86-year-old veteran, your name is Rudy Armstrong and it’s just you and your Chihuahua mix named Bubu at your boathouse.
Everything’s going great but suddenly your foot falls asleep. You try to sit down and call for help but realize that your arms are not working.
You just had a stroke.
This could have easily have ended up being a fatal incident if not for the quick action by Bubu. He came to check up on his dad and immediately realized something was wrong. “I need help. Go get Kim.” Rudy whispered to Bubu in one last desperate attempt to get some assistance.
And that is exactly what the brilliant dog did. Thankfully, Rudy got to the hospital in time. After a few weeks in the hospital, Braddy Popp who is the public relations manager at the Healthcare System was talking to Rudy and couldn’t help but notice how lonely the navy veteran was.
“I went to Rudy’s room to hear the details of Bubu helping to save his life and I had the pleasure of sitting with him for over an hour, hearing story upon story of his life, his time in the Navy, and his special bond with Bubu,” Popp said. “The fact that he has no close friends or family nearby led me to attempt to orchestrate a reunion between him and Bubu.”
On the reunion day, Rudy was physically excited as he sat waiting at the facility’s garden.
When Bubu finally arrived, there was a moment of held breath when it seemed that he didn’t recognize his dad. But that’s just because the veteran was wearing a mask. When it came off, it was Bubu’s turn to get excited.
“It was a beautiful moment and everyone present was close to tears with the obvious joy of both Rudy and Bubu,” Popp said of the incident.
Armstrong was later released and is again staying at his boat with his lifesaver.
Feature Image & Images Source: CarolinaEast Health System