This may be the most important question of all time and the answer the most sought after, worldwide. Does my dog love me? Sure, all us dotting fur-parents want to confidently scream yes at the top of the nearest hill but, how do we know for sure?
Well, there’s no need to waste water in the shower or lay awake at night contemplating the answer, lead scientists have come to our rescue with the answer. Research by Mic in partnership with GE confidently say YES. Why, how, you say? These canine boffins discovered that our four-legged loved ones see us as family based on their schnoz (Really?).
Yes, a neuroimaging study using MRI scanning was performed by Emory University to understand how our canine buddies’ noses process different smells and how their brains react to these smells. The result was that when presented with the smell of their loving parents, the fluffy volunteers’ positive reward centers in their brains sparkled excessively. It also demonstrated that even among many different smells, our babies prioritize our smells above all others, nothing could sway them!
Still not convinced, well at Eotvos Lorand University in Budapest, vocal studies proved that both us and our fluffy significant others process emotionally intense vocal sounds the same way. Further earth-shaking research also revealed that our canine-babies are the only species to run towards us and seek comfort when they are frightened, worried, or anxious AND they are also the only species to seek out eye contact with us. Doesn’t that make the term “puppy-dog eyes” so much more intense and meaningful? So, throw away your doubts about whether or not your fur-child loves you. They do.
Aww!! I don’t know what else to say! Share away, y’all!
Feature Image Source: Pixabay