Can I Keep Succulents Around Dogs?

Can I Keep Succulents Around Dogs?

Succulents make excellent indoor plants because they’re easy to take care of, but did you know that come succulents are poisonous to dogs?

Let’s learn more:

Are succulents toxic?

You’ll be pleased to know that most succulents aren’t toxic to dogs, but there are some common types that are poisonous. These include:

  • Aloe
  • Jade
  • Silver jade
  • Snake plant
  • String of pearls
  • Kalanchoe
  • Euphorbia
  • Pencil cactus
  • Panda plant
  • Sago palm

Look out for these symptoms if your dog ate a succulent

Your dog may exhibit certain symptoms depending on the type of succulents he/she ate. They usually show up within a few hours, but make sure you call your vet right away if you suspect something. Common signs include:

  • Drooling
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Lack of coordination
  • Weakness
  • Lethargy
  • Loss of appetite
  • Mouth or skin irritation
  • Difficulty breathing or swallowing


If your dog ate a poisonous succulent, the first thing you should do is call your vet. Try to bring a sample of the plant to your vet. The more information your vet has, the faster your dog can be treated. Treatment will vary based on the succulent.

For the most harmful succulents, if they are consumed within two to three hours, treatment involves inducing vomiting to prevent the absorption of the toxic substances in the body. The vet may also use activated charcoal to prevent absorption. The next step will be to check for signs of the abnormal heart rate which will require hospitalization and EKG monitoring.

If you can’t reach your vet, contact poison control.

Safe succulents

We highlighted the toxic succulents, so we thought it would only be fair to name a few safe ones for your home. They include:

  • Blue echeveria
  • Hens and chickens
  • Burro’s tail
  • Hardy baby tears
  • Ghost plant
  • Haworthia
  • Wax rosette
  • Tree cactus
  • Plush plant
  • Painted lady
  • Mexican rosettes
  • Mexican snowballs
  • Mexican firecracker
  • Maroon chenille plant
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