One thing Mom and Dads quickly learn with pups that hail from working breeds is just how much enrichment they need!
With their high energy levels and incredible intelligence, these pups need to be kept mentally occupied one way or another, lest they get bored and turn destructive. So, what exactly can you do to stave off their boredom?
Why, have a little fun, of course! This family has decided that in order to keep Max the Labrador Retriever occupied, they will be playing one of his favorite games with him. Specifically, a game where this pup searches all over the house for treats!
This time, they have decided to make it easy for the pup. No need to be super intense with this game today! After all the new year events, everyone is tired. With his superior sense of smell though, he tracks down the treats with no problem!
Feature Image Source: SuperMax The Labrador