Puppies are cute! Breed really doesn’t matter because the moment you see a puppy, you yell out the weirdest “Awwww” in the history of Awws.
A long time ago, I used to get confused between a Labrador puppy and a Golden retriever puppy. I would ask my friend if she could help identify which was which. It was a difficult task, back then. I was just getting over my fear of dogs, and these were my baby steps forward. Naturally, as days turned into weeks, months, and years, I’m still somewhat confident enough to spot the difference!
To me, puppies of any breed look the same! I’m just too lost in their cuteness, I can no longer tell who’s who, and I’m sure there are many like me! So here’s a quiz to test your puppy breed knowledge! Can you tell which puppy will grow up to be which type of dog? Take this quiz and find out!
Don’t forget to share your results with us in the comments!
Feature Image Source: Pixabay