Curious Dog Accidentally Starts Dad's Car And Drives Around In Circles For 60 Minutes!

It goes without saying that our four-legged friends often provide us with hours of entertainment! Their crazy antics often have us in bent over in stitches and make for hilarious stories to tell our friends and family!

One of the culprits definitely has to be the Labrador breed. Our Labs are often the guilty snouts behind the stories, giving us a good laugh or two!

Over in Port St. Lucie, Florida, one black Lab was up to no good. On a quiet afternoon in this neighborhood, community goers witnessed something peculiar. A car was rapidly reversing and going around in circles. Neighbors watched closely to see who was crazy enough to be driving like an absolute maniac, knocking down one mailbox in the process.

The car jolted to a stop and when the door was opened by police a smug black Labrador retrieved popped out and trotted back into his yard. Almost too odd to believe! As it turns out, this lovely Lab had hijacked his parent’s car and took it for a circular joyride. Thankfully, there was almost no damage done and the only victim was a neighbor’s mailbox.

The hour of entertainment had neighbors mind boggled as to how the Lab even managed to do this in the first place. Perhaps he was chasing his tail in the process, but we will probably never really know. Our furry-faced family friends certainly always keep us on our toes and make sure to give a good laugh in the process.

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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