This Cute Pup Knows What He's Done, But He Pretends It's Not His Fault!

This Cute Pup Knows What He's Done, But He Pretends It's Not His Fault!

All pup parents are familiar with that feeling you get when you come home from a long day and find that your fur ball has been naughty!

When this Daddy returned home, he was shocked to see his pup surrounded by empty food containers. Oh dear! Bad pup! This fur ball might not have been caught red-handed – or rather, red-pawed – but there’s enough evidence on his snout and all over his favorite stuffed toy. He looks extremely guilty and uncomfortable that Daddy is scolding him!

But at the end of the day, this pup looks very sorry, so even Daddy can’t keep up the stern façade for long! Good thing this fur ball is so adorable. This pup can charm his way out of any trouble! But he’s been so naughty, so I hope he’s learned his lesson – that many snacks can’t be good for the stomach! Don’t forget to like and share!

Feature Image Source: felipeluis

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