Dad Didn't Want This Dog, Now He Tucks Him In Every Night!

Grief and the turmoil that accompanies life are probably the most debilitating things we humans have to face during the course of our lives. Nobody escapes it and, unless dealt with, it can adversely shape our lives for years to come.

From a small child confronted with a dead hamster, to a young widow faced with a future alone, grief affects people from all walks of life. People deal with grief differently. Some do so by talking it out and working through the various emotions, while others prefer to bottle these feelings up inside which simply delays the process. Alice Garrido Gallardo’s dad was trapped in his grief after the family dog passed on and was simply unable to even entertain the thought of replacing him with another dog.

A friend of Gallardo rescued a beautiful stray called Jean Grey and even after begging and pleading with her dad to adopt, he refused. The pain was still too raw. Desperate to change his mind, Gallardo came up with a clever plan. Knowing how adorable Jean Grey was, she was convinced that once her dad came face-to-face with her, he would change his mind. Gallardo engineered a meeting between her dad and Jean Grey and sure enough, he lost his heart to her. Jean Grey allowed Gallardo’s dad to release his grief and he was ready to love another dog again.

His love for her grew day by day and gently putting her to bed every night has become a routine that he would not miss for anything.

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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