Deaf And Blind Dog Saw Grandpa After 1 Year She Recognized Him Immediately!

Deaf And Blind Dog Saw Grandpa After 1 Year She Recognized Him Immediately!

For some dog parents, taking on a dog that is deaf and blind might be too much of a hassle. For the Kristol family, adopting Bitsy, an adorable five-week-old puppy with some health complications was a no-brainer.

Steve, the father of Hayden Kristol, was worried about how Bitsy Would act when she was on her own, and what it would be like moving into a new home. Steve realized he had no reason to fret, and when he met Bitsy, he saw she was an energetic and happy-go-lucky puppy that brought a lot to their family.

The Kristol’s said that from the first day they brought her home, she has been so independent. Bitsy has found her way around the house, knows who her family is, and loves to play. She has even gone hiking, canoeing, subway riding, skateboarding, and swimming. Her family says she is the sweetest addition, incredibly loyal and so loving. To Steve’s surprise, she loves him the most.

Whenever they are together, he spoils her, and she loves him unconditionally. Unfortunately, when the coronavirus hit, they had to be apart for long bits of time. In the year they were apart, Steve missed her, and they hoped she missed him as well. When they got the chance to reunite, it was a beautiful greeting. When she got within the scent range of Steve, she lost her mind.

The family was overwhelmed seeing the excitement and love between the two, which brought smiles to the viewers that got the chance to see it.

Images Source: Hayden Kristal

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