Do Dogs Need Blankets To Keep Themselves Warm?

Do Dogs Need Blankets To Keep Themselves Warm?

In some places, winter still has a stubborn hold. Is it safe for your dog to be walking up and down without a blanket?

It Depends

There’s a couple of variables to take into consideration.

  • The size of your dog
  • Their weight
  • The length of their fur
  • Acclimatization
  • Breed adaptations
  • Cold Exposure
  • Temperatures

Either way, it’s always best to be safe and provide your dog with a blanket.

Isn’t Fur Enough?

  • Even with a winter coat, it can often be inadequate – especially for smaller dogs. If it’s too cold for your comfort, it’s likely too cold for your dog as well.
  • The same thing applies to your house. If it’s too cold for you to be in the house without a few extra layers, it’s likely too cold for your dog as well.
  • Plus, just having the option of several pet blankets never did hurt anyone.

What Can I Do?

Never force your dog into someplace warm – only provide it as an option. Make it an accessible space – especially for old dogs – and keep it away from any potential sources of draft. Several blankets placed on a carpeted corner is usually more than enough

Pay close attention to them, and look out for signs of being too cold – or inversely, overheating. Then, you can adjust things accordingly – though if you’ve already provided someplace warm, adjustment shouldn’t be too much of an issue.

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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