If you have paid careful attention to your pup’s eating habits, you will surely know that they have their likes and dislikes when it comes to food. So then, the question then becomes – just what will they prefer over the other?
Dad is about to test that with Oliver the Beagle. Oliver the Beagle loves to eat chicken nuggets and ice cream – this is a well-known fact. But does he prefer one over the other? Which one is his favorite? It is time to find out in this totally scientific test!
Oliver knows something is happening as Dad prepares the test bowls – he keeps barking at Dad to give it to him already, he wants to eat! As soon as Dad gives him the go-to, he gives the chicken nuggets a quick taste test, then drops it near his ice cream bowl and eats that first! It is a pretty clear-cut answer to this experiment. Nice!
Feature Image Source: Oliver the Beagle