Having two dogs with different personalities can sometimes be a handful, but for some families, it just works. Wookie and Kya, who are brother and sister, are best friends but couldn’t be more different.
Wookie is quiet and calm but gets very nervous meeting new people, whereas his sister Kya is incredibly playful and lively, wanting to be best friends with everyone. Their parents both agree that Kya is the troublemaker, and Wookie is the angel. One day, Rhama Keene, Wookie, and Kyas’s mom started to notice that some items were getting knocked off the counters, creating small messes.
She assumed that Kya was to blame, because whenever she was in the kitchen cooking, Kya was always around, waiting to get in on the action. At first, it was only small messes, but soon, Rhama started to see footprints on the counter and larger messes that couldn’t be explained.
Neither Wookie nor Kya could get up on the counter, and Wookie was never really in the kitchen. The dog parents decided to get to the bottom of it and set up hidden cameras in order to capture all the trouble. To their ultimate surprise, it was Wookie that was sniffing about on the counter!
Rhama said she was at work when she glanced at the camera footage and saw Wookie standing on the counter, making her immediately lose it and get all of her co-workers laughing.
In the back was Kya, nowhere near the kitchen or the mess. After much laughter and jokes, Rhama now makes sure that Wookie stays off the counter when they are not home, and no longer blames Kya for being the troublemaker!
Images Source: Rahma Keene