Pixie from Lismore, Australia, has narrated how she and her partner gave an abandoned 8-year-old dog a second chance at happiness.
Pixie and her partner lost their big dog some years earlier and had spent quality time moaning about him. When they were ready to bring another big dog into their lives, they contacted a local rescue to see whether they had a dog that would suit them, two kids (a 5-year-old and a 3-year-old), a small dog, a cat, and some rats.
The rescue informed Pixie about one 8-year-old Shepherd cross named Buddy. The dog was previously a member of a family with eight kids. When his family had problems finding a home that could accommodate all of them, they kicked him to the curb.
Pixie was heartbroken when she saw Buddy’s picture. “He seemed to have just lost all hope, head down, not noticing the camera at all,” she said. She decided to meet him and ended up taking him home after falling in love with him.
Buddy quickly warmed up with Pixie’s kids and their other pets. However, he was wary of her partner. Pixie decided to keep him anyway. It’s been almost three years since Pixie brought Buddy home, and everything is great. Although he happily cuddles up with her, he is still not cozy with her partner.
Image Credit: Pixie from Lismore, Australia