Dog Spots A Cat Stuck In The Wall And Wouldn't Leave Until His Dad Rescued Him

Dog Spots A Cat Stuck In The Wall And Wouldn't Leave Until His Dad Rescued Him

When a dad and his pup went for a walk, the last thing they expected was to find a cat stuck in a wall. Lo-and-behold, though, during their walk the doggo suddenly became interested in a stone wall, and wouldn’t you know it – there was a cat there.

They called RSPCA and soon Inspector Ruth Thomas-Coxon arrived. In hopes that this wouldn’t be a difficult task, she tried gently pulling Freddy the cat out. Alas, it wasn’t that simple, and he was stuck much worse than they anticipated.

At first, it seemed as if there needn’t be wall “deconstruction”, but it soon became apparent that Freddy didn’t really mean to get into that nook and had no way out. This is why she found the owner of the land and they both removed some of the stones. Freddy made a run for it and hid in another nook in the wall from which the Inspector could remove him.

He was quite ticked off by literally being rescued (Cats, am I right?!). However, once he understood that he was safe and sound, he quickly relaxed. He was then taken to the vet for a check-up. They told Ruth that Freddy was in good health, but that he didn’t have a microchip. Despite the big search for his parents that Thomas-Coxon launched, no one has claimed him yet. If no one claims him soon, he will be put up for adoption.

Thanks to a smart and curious pup, Freddy will soon find his forever home!

Image Credit: RSPCA

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