The night of July the 29th brought forth blustery weather in Hawkins County, to add to the dreary storm and downpour was an act as painful as they come, for this was the evening that a poor dog was tied up to a pole and abandoned.
Surveillance cameras recorded the ordeal conducted by a man, who presumptuously, is considered the dog’s original parent. The dog was found 12 hours after, around 9 am by the kennel attendant at the Hawkins County Humane Society; Haleigh Davidson. He was named Oakley, a labrador mix, and was retrieved in dire condition.
The dog was without shelter, food, and water, and acquired bloody paws that were badly battered from excessively pacing about. The humane society graciously took him in and gave him a bath, updated his medicinal shots, and posted his picture on their Facebook page. Not long after, young and loving Chloe Kiker from Kingsport came across the post and instantly fell in love with the dog.
Baffled as to why such a darling of a dog would be abandoned, Chloe delights in his kindly manner. Oakley currently spends his days chasing tennis balls and taking naps on his new couch. His new parent has also purchased ointment and rubber shoes to help in healing his paws.
Even though Kiker compassionately attends to Oakley; his emotional support in battling against her anxiety never goes unrecognized. Now a registered emotional support dog, she sites him as the best thing (dog) in the world.
Feature Image Source: Pixabay