Dog’s Cone Gives Mum Inspiration!

Dog’s Cone Gives Mum Inspiration!

When Jenn Frates took her dog, Finn to be neutered, he came back with a cone. Fortunately, Finn is a pretty laid back dog, Jenn says, so he didn’t mind too much.

Instead, it was Jenn who found herself distracted. To make the time pass more quickly, she looked to Pinterest for some creative inspiration and decided to decorate Finn’s cone to brighten things up a little.

She came up with a different design each day and uploaded the photos to Instagram, where Finn was a big hit.

Jenn says Finn loved the attention, and the outfits gave him something else to focus on other than the ugly plastic cone. Not to mention the treats he got after each photoshoot!

By the end of the two-week period, Finn had become quite the model. Jenn says he knew exactly where to sit, and he would wait patiently until the perfect snap had been captured.

As for the designs, they got a lot of love on Jenn’s Instagram page, with people remarking how elaborate and creative they were. And, of course, adorable!

Even complete strangers were enjoying the photos, with comments telling how people found the puppy pics uplifting and heartwarming. Said Jenn, “I’m glad it’s put a smile on so many faces.” Happily for Finn, what with the modeling and all the extra treats, the two weeks flew by.

Images & Feature Image Source: Jenn Frates

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