Dogs Find Abandoned Kitten And Insist Dad Takes Her Home

Dogs Find Abandoned Kitten And Insist Dad Takes Her Home

Zach Hearn was on a walk with his two dogs, Tang and Cream, when they heard a kitten crying out for help. While Hearn couldn’t see exactly where the kitten was, his dogs took it upon themselves to investigate and sniff out the kitten, aged between 3 to weeks, lying in the middle of the street.

The kitten looked unkempt and was skinny. Initially, Hearn thought his dogs might chase the little kitten. However, his golden retriever and King Charles cavalier had other plans.

Hearn couldn’t believe his eyes as both dogs started trying to comfort the scared kitten.” Tang started whimpering and laid down next to her,” Hearn said, describing the scene. “Cream started licking her and cleaning her.”

Seeing that the kitten was alone without her mum, Hearn decided to take her home. He and his girlfriend bathed the kitten, gave her food, and made a comfortable place for her to rest.

The kitten, later named 头奖 (Tou Jiang), meaning jackpot, slept a lot at first and didn’t have much energy. But with time and regular feeding, she soon regained strength and became lively.

Tou Jiang and the dogs get along well. Tang and Cream have different ways of playing with the kitten. Tang lets her lie on her and allows her to play with her tail.

Cream licks her clean.

Both dogs are always by her side and often watch her until it’s time to sleep.

Image Credit: Zach Hearn

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