Dogs are funny! I mean, come on, there’s no denying that when you want to laugh out loud, you turn to your dogs to make you giggle, and they don’t disappoint! Their goofy faces, their funny head tilts, the confused looks on their faces… dogs are a therapy, really!
So on my way to work this morning, I was looking for something to LOL about and decided to check out some embarrassing dog stories to tickle my bone, and I wasn’t disappointed! Here are some real-life funny dog stories that will make you forget your worries!
1. Uknown
“I took my dog for a walk when I ran into a candidate running for state representative and he stopped to talk to me trying to persuade my vote when my dog decided it’d be a good time to do #2 right on his shoes. The look on his face was priceless.”
2. Amanda Goodner, Facebook
“While picking up a guy to go on our first date, he let his dog out into the yard to meet me because I’d also mentioned that I wanted to meet his dog. His dog sniffed me once and promptly decided that my leg was the perfect place to pee. My date watched in horrified embarrassment as his dog took a leak right on my leg. We’ve actually been dating for over a year now and his dog hasn’t peed on me (or anyone else) since then! ”
3. Thomas Cummings, Facebook
“I’m not one to get easily embarrassed, but one time while walking my dog Bruno around our apartment complex, we started to come upon a couple who were clearly breaking up…I tried walking quickly by, but Bruno decided that pooping right in front of them was a good idea. So I had to stand there while this couple broke up, crying tears, the whole shebang, until Bruno’s business was done. It’s easily the most awkward I’ve ever felt.”
4. ASwan
“About a year after I adopted my dog, I took him to the dog park for the first time. He ran right up to a little girl sitting on the ground, and peed all over her back and just looked SO proud of himself. I was mortified and ran over and picked him up and apologized profusely and offered to give her my shirt, which was just weird and awkward to say. Her mom was so cool about it and said, ‘Hey, we’re at a dog park, this kind of thing happens!'”
5. Steinbeck32
“We went to a concert in the park with our then baby daughter and our dog Charley. We were chilling on a blanket enjoying the music when we realized Charley had undone his leash, walked three blankets down, and was begging for food in the middle of another family’s picnic. Then he walked down in front of everyone and started pooping.”
How many of you laughed out loud?! I know, I did! Let us know in the comments! Watch out for Part 2!
Feature Image Source: Pixabay