Every Morning This Dog Wakes Up With A Smile Thanks To A Very Special Person!

The well-known phrase, “man’s best friend” really cannot be more accurate. Our beloved dogs are perhaps truly one of the best friends we will ever have! They offer all-encompassing unconditional love and affection.

They are indeed very similar to us in many ways and can display an astonishing range of emotions. Dogs are great mood-lifters and encouragers and, like humans, flourish if they feel nurtured and loved. What is not always so apparent is their attachment to certain humans.

They seem to have an internal filter that decides if a person is ok or not, and instinctively know that the person makes the grade.
Moose is a particularly special golden retriever, who formed a bond with his local mailman! Sensing the good vibes radiate from his mailman, Moose was desperate to greet him the next day he was due to deliver mail and sat readily until he arrived.

But what nobody knew, is that the mailman recently lost his beloved canine companion, and the embracing love that Moose showed meant the absolute world to him, more than we could understand! Moose’s parents enjoy watching the display of affection between the two every morning and hope it continues until their mailman retires.

There have been many instances of dogs forming special attachments to people. The story of Moose and the mailman is a classic example of what an impact a loving dog can have in one’s life. Be it your own pup or a pup from another family, “man’s best friend” will always be there!

Images & Feature Image Source: the.life.of.moose

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