Family Abandons Dog, Tied To A Park Bench And Left To Die

Family Abandons Dog, Tied To A Park Bench And Left To Die

If this particular mom had known the fate that awaited her beloved dog Bodie, she would have immediately shut down the sale and even reported the buyer for intended cruelty.

But, how could she have known? She had been sold a dream. A promise that Bodie would grow to become a legendary guard dog. So, she bid her dog goodbye. Imagine her shock two years later when she got a call informing her that Bodie had been found tied to a bench in Handsworth Park. The dog was neglected and emaciated to a point where she was unrecognizable. His body was ridden with lumps that were untreated and bleeding.

Animal House Rescue

Bodie had had a brush with death but his resolve to live was stronger. It could be seen burning in his sad eyes. The concerned human that discovered him alerted the K9 search UK group who convinced the Animal Rescue House to take Bodie in. To quote the Animal house, the dog, thought to be a crossbreed, was a “pitiful sight.” Bodie is now at YourVets in Smethwick but is critically ill. At the moment, the vets cannot even administer an anesthetic to X-ray him and determine what his lumps are.

Animal House Rescue

They currently have him on a slow drip because he can’t take fluids being pushed into him.

“This poor boy is also anemic, his kidney test was high, his liver bilirubin test was slightly up too – we don’t even know if Bodie will make it,” a spokeswoman said of Bodie’s condition.

The treatment bill currently stands at £2,372 and the Animal Rescue House has started a fundraising campaign. You can click here to donate. The Animal Rescue House is also appealing for anyone that recognizes the dog to point them towards his last keeper.

Feature Image Source: Animal House Rescue

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