The knowledge of first aid procedures is an essential addition to anyone’s life, and it can save the lives of those around you. This applies to your pups, too.
That’s why we’ve compiled a list of first aid information that you can use for your pups in times of medical need.
Breathing trouble
Also known as dyspnea, this situation occurs when you notice noisy rapid breathing or difficulty in doing so in your pup. Sometimes, this may even cause gums and lips to turn blue. This is an emergency situation and you must act quickly.
First, determine the cause of these difficulties. Is your pup choking? (See below!) Is your pup suffering from heat stroke? (Read more here.) If your pup stops breathing or loses consciousness, then you can perform CPR or rescue breathing. Follow the guidelines here in order to do correctly.
When a foreign object becomes lodged in your pup’s windpipe, this blocks air flow and can cause choking. It can be difficult to tell the difference between coughing and choking. A pup who is choking will be unable to inhale properly – unlike a coughing dog who can breathe fine – and this may cause the lips and tongue to turn blue and result in collapse or fainting if not treated.
If your pup is still conscious while choking, then you can attempt to dislodge the foreign object with tweezers or your fingers. Avoid doing this if you think the dog may bite you. Your safest bet is to rush your pup to the vet immediately. If your pup is unconscious, then dislodge the forein material or perform a Heimlich maneuver by squeezing your dog on either sides of their ribcage. Then, perform CPR following these guidelines.
Vomiting isn’t such a rare condition for a pup, but repeated vomiting can cause dehydration and pose serious problems for pups who are very young, senior, or frail. This is especially true when the vomiting is accompanied by diarrhea.
If your pup has been vomiting, don’t let them eat or drink for four to six hours. If this works and they don’t vomit any more, then begin giving them small sips of water or little pieces of ice, or feed them a pediatric electrolyte solution. You can offer more quantities of water if they don’t vomit again in the next two hours. Two hours after that, you can attempt to feed them one to two tablespoons of solid, bland food every two or three hours.
Blood in vomit means your pup requires immediate medical attention. Read more about the causes of dogs vomiting here, and learn more about how to tell if it’s a serious medical problem here.
There you have it!
One last thing: remember to always muzzle an injured dog before tending to them, as pups in pain can often lash out, even if they know you very well. The last thing you need is to be injured, too. Keep an eye out for more installments in the series and do like and share away!