Girl Dumps Her Boyfriend, Quits Her Job And Lives With Her Dog In A Van!

Living and working at a rapidly connected speed has become a norm in the times we live in today. We find ourselves replying to emails and messages from overseas within seconds, and with this ease of access, we often lose track of what really makes us happy.

Things such as finding solace in nature and going on spontaneous adventures have become a thing of a past for many of us. But in the hustle and bustle, sometimes we need an eye-opener to bring us back to our true selves.

This was the case for the young Australian Sydney, and her canine companion Ella. Sydney was a young adult living the busy lifestyle with her partner and dog, like most of us are. She had become accustomed to the life society deems normal, until one day she woke up and realized this definitely is not how she wanted to live her life.

All it took was a swift decision, and her lift changed forever. Leaving her partner, she packed up her belongings and Ella, and decided to buy a van and travel all over America. Yes, she received some nasty messages from people, but this did not stop her from living her dream.

She works from her laptop wherever she is and can support a healthy life for both her and Ella. The difference is, she experiences places and goes on adventures with her best friend while she does it!

Sydney and Ella are living their best lives and show us that the definition of a good life is not always money and riches, it can be adventure and memories!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

Images Source: Instagram (Ella the Van Dog)

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