Golden Retriever Can’t Help But Show Off His Toy!

Golden Retriever Can’t Help But Show Off His Toy!

Captain is a cheerful one-and-a-half-year-old puppy whose excitement is brought out even more by his stuffed tiger. He has a habit of taking things and making them his, but this tiger is probably his favorite acquisition yet.

Captain is part of the Andersen family. The family moved from sunny California to snowy Colorado, which has turned Captain’s intrigue up a notch. As mentioned before, Captain loves stuffed toys and taking items and making them his, which sums up how he got his first and second tiger plushies.

The first tiger had white fur and belonged to the Andersen’s daughter, it was destroyed eventually and so he sought another toy. Using his tactic, he managed to score an orange tiger with which he moved to Colorado with.

One day in winter, Captain stood by a window and watched the snow fall. His mom reports that he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. After being let outside, he stared at it for a while then tried eating it. Not long after, Captain was by the door skiing to get back in. His mom was a bit puzzled at first, but when he was back at the door with his stuffed tiger, she knew that he wanted his tiger to experience the cool weather, too.

After being let outside, he paraded with his tiger across the lawn as the snow fell.

Just as the tiger plushie completed the moment for Captain, his fun-loving personality is what completes his family.

Image Credit: Liz Andersen

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