Great Danes are huge. They can have shoulders up to 34 inches tall and weigh up to 200 pounds. However, behind their huge body is an equally massive heart.
Families getting a great Dane need to learn how to love their large size properly. One family who lives near Niagara Falls in Ontario, Canada, recently discovered that when they adopted a Great Dane named Moose.
Moose had been a part of the family for about 10 months and got along perfectly with everyone. However, he had some tendencies that needed to be worked out. One of them is his obsession with the family’s trampoline.
Moose crawled up on the trampoline one day and decided that there was no better place for him to stretch out and enjoy a nap. While it seemed like a nice idea for the giant pup, his human mother disagreed.
In a video shared on social media, Moose’s mom attempts to get his attention by calling him and making kissing noises. However, the dog wasn’t interested in being disturbed; he just wanted to stretch and relax on the trampoline.
When his mom noticed that the sound of kisses failed to grab his attention after a couple of times, she tried whistling. Moose rolled over his belly, looking at her with the strangest look as if enquiring why she was disturbing him. It wasn’t long before Moose went back to napping.
Image Credit: YouTube