Hardworking Dalmatian Pup Keeps Firefighters In Tip-Top Shape

Hardworking Dalmatian Pup Keeps Firefighters In Tip-Top Shape

A cute Dalmatian pup named, Marshall, recently joined Ohio’s Seville-Guildford Fire Department, supporting their firefighters and keeping them in tip-top shape while, himself, undergoing training to become a certified therapy K-9 to specialize in fire prevention.

In a video footage taken by the fire department team, Marshall can be seen accompanying the firefighters during their workout sessions. The spotted pup actively prods his colleagues in the gym, proving himself a reliable co-trainer and adorable companion.

The fire station department staff and first responders believe that Marshall understands the importance of being in tip-top shape for the work challenges ahead. When his colleagues hit the gym to work out, the adorable puppy eagerly joins them, and is seen supporting and assisting them in his own lovable way.

In a social media post by the fire department, they wrote, “Sunday night crew working hard to stay in shape! Marshall is helping too! Strong work guys!”

Marshall currently lives in the fire station and he keeps the firefighters’ company while they are on duty during the long shifts. This soon, the small but dependable puppy has proven to his community that he is willing to support them all the way.

The assigned areas of the Seville-Guildford Fire Department can, therefore, rest assured that Marshall is making sure that their firefighters are prepared and strong enough to handle the job. According to Marshall’s teammates, nobody can dare slacken while the hard-working pup is on the job.

Images & Feature Image Source: Marshall- Seville Fire Department

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