Have You Ever Wondered Why Our Dogs Take Forever To Poop?

Have you ever taken your dog out for a quick potty before bed and it ends up not being so quick? As dog lovers, most of us can relate. We find ourselves tapping a foot as our dog seems to be sniffing every corner of the garden before having a poop!

According to research, this is completely normal. There are a variety of reasons as to why it seems to take a lifetime!

  • Your dog has an internal compass! Scientists have done extensive research and have found that our canine companions prefer to line up with the earth’s north-south magnetic axis when pooping. As unusual as it seems, this is quite normal for our loyal four-legged friends!
  • Social cues and scent marking: scent marking is an instinctive behavior whereby a dog will leave pee or poop to make a statement. The depositing of this scent also serves as social cues in terms of territory. Some breeds of dogs will mark every corner of your yard to send a message that this territory belongs to them. Scent left by other dogs also sends your dog a message about where they stand in the social ranking of that area! Well, what do you know!

Every canine companion is a unique individual. For some, taking their time is because they want to align their compasses whereas for others it is simply because they are finding the perfect spot. If you find your dog is taking exceptionally long, there are training methods you can instill in them to speed up the process. Just remember, they are not taking their time to spite you or make you mad!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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