We all do love our puppies. But do we have any explanations for some of their common behaviors?
What Do All These Things Mean?
1. Scared Of Children
Children can be loud, sudden, and unintentionally hurtful, which can scare puppies.
2. Crying Or Shaking At Night
This is pretty normal behavior while they adjust to a new and unfamiliar environment and family.
3. Nonstop Biting
Aside from teething problems, puppies need to be stimulated and taught what to bite and what not to bite.
4. Lots Of Howling
Your puppy can get distressed from being away from you for a while, among many other reasons. You’ll have to socialize and train them to relax and calm down.
5. Incessant Barking
Learn and understand what’s causing him to bark, and work on solving those issues first to resolve the barking. Bear in mind that some breeds naturally will bark more than others.
6. Fussy Eating
There’s really no solution to this, as every puppy is different. Try different foods, or methods of feeding them – consult your vet for help.
7. Jumping On People
This is a pretty common way of showing affection and excitement. Just train them to show that energy in more socially acceptable ways.
8. Indoor Accidents
Your puppy physically has smaller bladders and bowels. Toilet training is important, but understand that they can only physically do so much.
9. Attempting To ‘Mate’ With The Legs Of Others
This isn’t actually a sexual behavior – rather, it is a way for the puppy to establish dominance. Make sure to discourage this behavior early and set yourself up as the pack leader to prevent further occurrences.
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