Hiccups In Dogs And What You Can Do To Reduce Them

Hiccups In Dogs And What You Can Do To Reduce Them

Everyone has the hiccups – including our beloved dogs! Here’s some information about hiccups, and what can be done to reduce them.

What’s Up With That? Should I Worry?

Hiccups in dogs are caused when the dog’s diaphragm spasms. This can be caused by a ton of reasons, although it’s usually nothing to worry about.

I Don’t Like These Hiccups. How Do I Stop It?

1. Give Them Exercise

A change in your dog’s breathing may be the only solution you need, and what better way to do it than through exercise?

2. Calm Them Down

If exercise isn’t available, soothing them or giving them a rub-down may do the trick – in the opposite direction.

3. Watch Your Food

You may have to control your dog’s portions. Eating too fast and too much can cause hiccups, so supervising your dog’s food can help reduce such incidents.

4. Reduce Grain Intake

While dogs can eat grain (and in fact require some in their diet), consuming large amounts of the stuff has been linked to more hiccups.

5. Drink Some Water

Calm your dog down, then let them have some water to drink. This can resolve the issue.

What About These Other Weird Noises?

There are plenty of involuntary sounds your dog can make. Unless it happens in unusually large amounts and for long periods of time, it’s often nothing to worry about. If you have any concerns, however, you can always consult a vet!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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