Hopeless, Dying Beagle Lives After Finding Purpose, Love, & Faith

Hopeless, Dying Beagle Lives After Finding Purpose, Love, & Faith

Old, orphaned, cancer-stricken, and stroke victim, 16-year old Lola did not have much going for her when she met her parent, Kirstyn Northrop Cobb, in June.

Cobb adopted Lola as a stray beagle and discovered that she had a rough life in a Maryland shelter, where she waited for months. An Animal Welfare League manager, herself, Cobb decided to adopt Lola after she found her listless, not eating, and often lying down.

In the past, Cobb had taken home other similarly ailing animals, believing that they should be made to feel loved during their final moments. With Lola, Cobb hoped she would last at least a week, get her to enjoy food, sleep comfortably, and just feel loved.

After several days, Cobb noticed Lola’s appetite and temperament have improved. She, then, continued caring for Lola and decided to bring her to the beach. Lola had tremendously enjoyed the experience, prompting Cobb to start a bucket list for her much-improved darling.

The list included having French fries, a personalized bed and cozy sweater, taking park and Halloween trips, rabbit-sniffing, and family-bonding experiences. Well, Cobb also discovered Lola feared bunnies. Six months since their meeting, Lola is still very much alive.

Now, Cobb calls herself, lucky, to be adding more to Lola’s bucket list, which included a Santa photo-op, gift-tearing, and Starbucks treat. Cobb is convinced that Lola lives this long because she found purpose, love, and someone who believes in her.

Images & Feature Image Source: Kirstyn Northrop Cobb

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