When someone you know loses their pet, they will go through a really tough period and they will definitely need your support and affection. For most people, dogs are part of their family.
Losing a pet can feel like losing a part of yourself. And if you don’t give people the support they need to get over this grief, they could be overtaken by sadness and depression.
When 12-year-old Sadie May, a beautiful Labrador, died, her mom was so devastated she could barely get out of bed. Her sister ordered flowers, which were delivered to her doorstep, but she couldn’t get out of bed to open the door. Neighbors started to pop by to ring her doorbell, but they got no response. Then they started to call and text her, letting her know that the flowers were wilting on her doorstep.
It took a lot of work for her to get out of bed, and put on a happy face, but she did it. She took the flowers and called her sister to thank her for the flowers. But she had one question. She asked if the flowers were supposed to come with the loose dog treats she had found on her doorstep.
What had happened is that friends of Sadie May had come by, and they all left a treat. The Saint Bernard, the Golden Retriever, and the West Highland White Terrier, they all got something for Sadie May. And the cutest part was that, based on the size of the treats, you could tell who had left them. This small gesture helped honor Sadie May and helped her mom see she is not alone.