I Wonder Why This Adorable Pup Wants To Borrow Dryer Sheets? Let's Take A Look!

I Wonder Why This Adorable Pup Wants To Borrow Dryer Sheets? Let's Take A Look!

It is pretty likely that we all have some kind of snack that we enjoy, much to the horror of everyone else around us. Or maybe we have an oral fixation that is helped by chewing on certain items! (This is especially so for those of us who need to stim to be happy.)

Whatever the situation is, you probably may find some solidarity with Oliver the Beagle pup! Oliver is a pretty typical Beagle pup, with needs and wants that aren’t too out of the ordinary. What his viewers didn’t know until this video, however, is that he loves dryer sheets!

According to Dad, how he and Mom found out about Oliver’s love for eating dryer sheets was when this sneaky pup stole a sheet from the laundry basket. Unfortunately, dryer sheets are dangerous for pups – they can block up the intestines and cause massive harm to a pup. Since then, the dryer sheets have been kept out of this pup’s reach for his own safety!

Feature Image Source: Oliver the Beagle

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