In Sickness And In Health - Loyal Dog Refuses To Leave Dad's Side At Hospital

In Sickness And In Health - Loyal Dog Refuses To Leave Dad's Side At Hospital

We all know the love that is shared between dog parents and their companions, and this popular virtual video has proven just that. A dog named Boncuk, has been named one of Medical Park Trabzon Karadeniz Hospital’s most frequent visitors.

He got this title after his dad got hospitalized earlier in the month, and has come every day to visit.

This story started from home, when Boncuk followed the ambulance with his dad, to the hospital. Since that day, Boncuk hasn’t left the front doors. Some relatives tried to take Boncuk home with them, but to their amazement, he didn’t like to stay away from the entrance for more than a few hours. Even after spending a bit of time at different houses, Boncuk runs away and heads right back to the front doors of the hospital.

The hospital staff said that he never bothers anyone, just waits patiently by the doors for his dad to be released. His loyalty and love has won over all staff members and has kept their spirits up. Some visitors and patients will even make special trips outside to feed him and give him treats, making sure that he stays healthy as well. After a few days of this same routine, doctors allowed a small and short reunion for the two and allowed Boncuk to sit by his dad’s hospital bed for some comfort.

When the day finally came for Senturk, Boncuk’s dad, to be discharged, he was waiting outside the doors happier than ever. Some said that Boncuk looked like a different dog, and was wagging his tail and barking for the first time since he first arrived!

Feature Image Source: Twitter

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