If you enjoy eating corned beef and wonder whether it is safe to share it with your dog, the short answer is no! While it might be very tempting to want to share your favorite meals with your dog, remember not all food that excites dogs is good for them.
Corned beef can make your dog very sick, especially f consumed excessively. Some of the issues that dogs may experience from overconsumption of corned beef include:
Salt Poisoning: While sodium is an essential nutrient your dog needs to function, it is needed only in relatively small amounts. Salt poisoning, when excess sodium is taken into the body, can cause severe problems to your dog and require immediate veterinary attention.
Gut And Digestive Issues: Processed beef may cause gastroenteritis, pancreatitis, and food poisoning in dogs. It could also irritate their gut and cause vomiting or diarrhea.
Whether your dog will get sick after eating corned beef depends on how much they consume and their weight. Some symptoms to look out for to know whether your dog is sick after eating corned beef are diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, increased breathing rate, and increased thirst. Reach out to your veterinarian if you notice any of those symptoms or anything unusual.