They Just Returned Home From A Nice Walk, But This Pup Still Has Energy To Run!

They Just Returned Home From A Nice Walk, But This Pup Still Has Energy To Run!

Pups can build up a lot of energy, which is why it’s important that they get enough exercise and play during the day.

But some just have so much of that energy to burn that they stay super enthusiastic and playful even after a nice, long walk. That’s certainly the case for Saber, a 10-month-old German shepherd puppy! Even after a walk with Daddy, the pup is so full of energy that he ends up going completely nuts despite already getting so much exercise.

He runs back and forth all over the room, jumping up and down furniture and being unable to sit still for longer than a few seconds! What a cute, adorable pup! He’s sure to bring light into everyone’s life; I mean, just listen to how much his Daddy is laughing as he enjoys the pup’s silly antics! Do like the video if you enjoyed it, and don’t forget to share away!

Feature Image Source: NerdVlog

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