Kind Group Of Boys Help Rescue Dog From Drowning

Kind Group Of Boys Help Rescue Dog From Drowning

Severe weather events can be truly terrifying. Not only do they impact our emotions, but the physical damage caused by them is often far-reaching. Flooding, cyclone, hurricanes, earthquakes, and tornados are some of the most severely impacting events.

These weather events have been seen to abolish houses into mere pieces or cause massive trucks to float across towns. Although severe weather events have the ability to endanger our lives, they can also endanger the lives of our four-legged family members too. There have often been video footage or images on the news depicting dogs or cats stranded on rooftops, or even in trees!

Heart-breaking to see, these scenarios can escalate into reality very quickly. This was the case for one canine who fell victim to extreme flooding in Ohio County. Recent flooding in the Tri-state area of Ohio County had caused high waters in the town. When four local boys were together watching the waters, they had come to notice something in the midst of the flood. On closer inspection, these boys had spotted a poor doggy paddling for his life.

This precious pooch was starting to drown, and that is when the boys knew that had to do something. Braving the waters gushing about, these four heroes immediately jumped into the water to see if they could save the paddling pooch. Thankfully, they had managed to get the furry-faced friend out of the water in the nick of time.

If it was not for the bravery of these four, the fate of the dog would have truly been terrible.

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