Los Angeles Is The Largest US City With A No-Kill Animal Shelter

Los Angeles Is The Largest US City With A No-Kill Animal Shelter

It’s a sad reality that animal shelters sometimes force a dark fate on the dogs and cats that are there, but for some states, euthanizing their guests isn’t an option.

For the lovely city of Los Angeles, it has become the largest city in the country that has become a no-kill shelter city. This is incredible news for all dog lovers. One of the most notable shelters in Los Angeles, Best Friends Animal Society, stated that LA’s save rate is now up to 90.4%. In 2012, this shelter first launched its initiative, in hopes of becoming a no-kill shelter. Around 56% of the dogs in their shelters have been adopted or made it elsewhere, without getting killed.

Those on staff and those in the communities have commented on the enormity of their no-kill movement, and because LA is such a large city, have made history in what has happened so far. Julie Castle, who is the chief executive officer of Best Friends Animal Society, has said that this initiative is the perfect example of what can happen if a whole community works together for a cause they are passionate about.

When looking at the bigger picture, the United States has a collective save rate of 79%, which is still very high. Los Angeles hopes to thrive as a no-kill state and to serve as a model for those larger cities and even some states. Currently, Delaware is the only no-kill state in the United States, but Utah is coming to a close second.

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